On The Situation
In theory about this pandemic moment there should not be much more to say, so let's try to make a small summary, hoping not to go and say things that are all too obvious and well known in depth.
As it should turn out, this virus began its expansion from a market in China by jumping from animal to man. Now I'm not going to go into specific that much 1 because I don't have skills 2 because I don't think there's that much security about some information. Let us try to ask ourselves questions.
What is a virus? A virus is a submicroscopic infectious agent that replicates only inside the living cells of an organism.
What are we? We are Homo sapiens, of the genus Homo, of which we are the only living species, the hominid family and the order of primates. We're living organisms.
What is a living organism? A living organism is a unicellular or multicellular entity. So without going too far specifically, we are organisms made up of a lot of cells and a virus is a submicroscopic agent that needs cells to live. We therefore represent an ideal habitat for the survival and replication of such an agent.
What world do we live in? We live in a truly very globalised world. This means that the connection between various parts is very strong. This globalisation has not been present for a short time. Trade and contacts between peoples have always been present in history. As technology advances, these are becoming more and more 'immediate''. But these are not new things. Infectious diseases have never been lacking in history, they will never be lacking and always problems have caused and will cause.
Throughout this year I have found unjustifiable many complaints and attacks that have been carried out against the various governments and the measures that have been taken, almost everywhere in the world. Not so much because of the criticisms made, because I consider criticism to be a fundamental element within a context without which it cannot be improved, but for the reasons that have led many to make them, considering them unfounded and not congenial for a being belonging to the genus Homo. The unjustifiable complaints and attacks to which I refer come from many media and from many individuals in society. In the media I notice more and more over time than instead of making information and at most expressing a thought, they are increasingly tending towards demagoguery and the interest in capturing as many people as possible, without taking much care of 1) what is said and 2) the consequences that what is said has. A bit like political parties, very often aimed in a demagogic way more at seeking consensus than at seeking results for the community.
I will try to focus more on the Anglo-European part, which is where I live. It is not my intention to criticise or make judgments, the ones I express are simply thoughts and points of view. Also because I live in this society and deciding to live in a certain society means, in my opinion, to agree to submit to regulations/ways of life that society imposes itself that, not having to look at the interest of the individual but the interest of the community to ensure that it can continue to at least survive, they cannot always rely on a personal pleasure, so on certain occasions they result in the acceptance of certain components that may not be positive for a single element, then finding in other respects other positive components for it.
So what is a society made up of? A society is made up of all the individuals who are part of it. That is why I support the fact that decisions are always up to us. Those who govern are simply a 'servant' of the people, because it is simply some kind of one or some kind of institution that must guarantee those kinds of regulations or ways of life that have been imposed on us.
Why did we come to the point of meeting in society? In order to ensure that we can guarantee certain freedoms that are considered fundamental, one of them that of life, thus renouncing other freedoms, for example that of killing. The existence of society with its regulations is the thing that can therefore also lead us to have the thought regarding private property, to which many care.
I found it important to do this precisely on how I perceive society because going now to develop thoughts, with this my reasoning may seem more obvious and clear. I also find it important to say that, by mentioning it in a fast way without going into detail at the moment, my impression of a self-regulating society and those who govern is at the service of the people is so everywhere, even in Myanmar (and many other parts of the world) where a military coup d'état has taken power at the moment. The descent of the people on the streets is a clear demonstration of the fact that power is in the hands of the people, in fact to stop the people you have to use weapons or ignorance, and as ignorance we must refer to the correct meaning of the term, that is, the non-knowledge of things. I will end this small parenthesis by saying that power, which we must identify with the possibility of choice, is in the hands of the people. What is different is the awareness of this power, of this possibility of choice. (I find it important to say that I consider myself an extremely ignorant person, I am aware of it and I love the fact that I don't know. I find that non-positive ignorance is the belief that we know and the unscientiousness of not knowing).
Now, going back to the question of this virus, going to analyze the behaviors of the various governments, stopping only in this Anglo-European area, what I wonder is what they did wrong initially when the disease began to expand in an uncontrolled way around the world?
Well, what was wrong? In my opinion, it is only the fact that the situation has not been dealt with from the earliest moments in a united way, as if everyone were part of the same world. I have seen every nation, that is, every single person, only take care of their own interests and not of the common interest. I've seen ''my life' put in front of everything at the expense of ''of yours''. A decision-making process not with the Community objective, but with the defence of one's own interests.
And what did that lead to? It led to chaos. Because as mentioned above, being part of a community means putting aside the personal interest (the national interest in this case) in order to go and defend the collective interest (the European interest in this case). I repeat, we are only looking at the Anglo-European framework. But my view of community is not limited to one area. Everywhere in the world we are all the same. I believe that all living organisms in the world should receive the same respect. Disrespect is all too evident.
From this initial difficulty we can now go and analyse two other points: 1) the one concerning the organizational system which initially surprised everyone a little; 2) what has been achieved and understood in the international arena.
With regard to the first point, it was quite clear that we were not preparing for such an event. I believe not because it was not conceivable (many use the term ''predictable''). I prefer the term ''conceivable''. Because I think you can hypothesize events like this, which is because history has taught us that they happen frequently, especially because of what we said at the beginning, viruses are submicroscopic infectious agents that need cells to live and replicate, and we are living organisms made up of cells. Moreover, as far as I know, we are extremely fragile organisms. It is not because we are present in large numbers in the world that we are unyinged. Ants and insects are also present in large numbers. I have to say that we adapt very well and as long as we can do that it will be a good thing. I say ''conceivable'' rather than ''predictable'' because we can assume that it will understand but we cannot predict when it happens, and above all how it happens and what happens, because much depends on when, what and how) but rather because in these last 100 years of history, especially in this part of the Anglo-European world, the technological and scientific level has definitely advanced in an unthinkable way, and I believe that this has distanced us a little from reality , making us somewhat loosen our attention to some fundamental dynamics (in Europe there have been no serious wars and diseases for a long time, to put it simply in Europe we do not see so many people dying at the same time from a long time). We must not take this negative fact as completely negative, because it can teach us about the future.
For the second point, this fact that initially each state dealt with the pandemic crisis in isolation made it possible to point out to everyone how a collaboration, how a feeling of all one can only bring benefits, and thanks to this fact I am extremely convinced that Europe has emerged much stronger than before. I am very much in favour of Europe. Of course, like many, I have my own idea of this, I am very much in favour of an idea of equality and coexistence, but at the same time I am also a strong supporter of diversity. This is not the time to talk about it, but I honestly and strongly believe that this pandemic crisis has given much more strength and substance to Europe's thinking. In a totally sincere way, I must be pleased about this. I am truly convinced that this is a truly important historic moment for Europe. There are dates in history that remain, that are marked. I am convinced that 2020 has been a very important year at european historical level.
In my opinion, there is not much to be said about the decisions taken and the restrictions adopted. But let's try to analyze the situation. We live in an area of the world where in theory we try to guarantee people's freedom, so having to make decisions that lead to a restriction of these freedoms is not easy. Europe has a history of fighting for rights, so for a government, which must do everything in its power to defend these rights, it is not easy to have to take and implement certain types of decisions. As mentioned before, a government must guarantee and safeguard the interests of the people, first of all it must guarantee freedom for Life. We don't realize too many times how such a microscopic entity as that of a virus can be so dangerous to a community. The problem is that in this 'modern era'' (which will be past in the future) the human being has too great a consideration of himself, exaggeratedly large. The implementation of restrictions to guarantee freedom of living is an extremely important fact. We are all different, we can all react to external agents in a different way. Our task, the community's, is to always try to protect everyone, because as you want your own safety you must also want that of others, or if not you could not guarantee your own. In a year in Europe alone, more than 400,000 people have already been missing and more than 2 million and 300 thousand in the world because of consequences that can be linked to this virus. It must be borne in mind that restrictive measures have been taken globally, so a limitation of infections has taken place, so that hospital facilities have also been allowed to be kept under control, because it is always worth remembering that if there are not enough beds you should be faced with the choice of who to choose not to save. The right to life is not something that ''must belong according to'', but it is something that the community must guarantee.
And that's one point.
Another point concerning restrictions is that of the economic factor. Here in the Anglo-European world social policies are implemented, the individual is protected. It is not always clear what it means for a state to stop everything and in any case to guarantee its citizens the dignity of life, because that is what a society is, and that is what a government does, in this part of the Anglo-European world, to try to defend its citizens.
What does a lockdown mean? A lockdown is a loss for everyone. It is a loss for the state, it is a loss for citizens, it is a loss for businesses. The fact that we do not follow the minimum of rules, the fact of thinking about one's own, of not being able for a certain period of time to set limitations, the fact that we are not aware of how important the responsibility of the individual is within the social context is a really very critical factor. It is really very important to be aware of how important the actions of all of us are, so that we can deal with the situation in a more positive way. We must be part of the solution, not an obstacle-creating party.
In conclusion, a comment on vaccines. I am in favour of vaccination and I am not even going to give any reason for it because I do not think it is necessary to do so. But vaccines are not the solution. As far as I know, it is not certain that vaccines can counteract all the variants that the virus develops, so the effectiveness of vaccines in the long term is not certain. Furthermore, we do not yet know how effective a vaccine can be. There are several billion people in the world. There are still many factors which still have an interogative point. This is certainly not the time to act as if the situation is resolved. It is always important to be aware of the importance that each of us has within a social sphere and consequently the ability to take responsibility, so as to be able to allow the community to live in a different way than it has been until now. This is by no means easy. Unfortunately, the words ''awareness'' and ''responsibility'' are terms that I see very much missing everywhere. I'm really sorry to say that, really much.
All we have to do is see how things evolve.