Roma, capitale della Repubblica Italiana

Roma, capitale della Repubblica Italiana

Second Round

The second round of consultations by the president-in-office Mario Draghi is coming to an end.

It is rumoured that ministerial posts may not be given to the various party leaders. This is a very important decision, because the weight of the government team will then have to be felt in Parliament, where the various manoeuvres to be implemented will have to be discussed, and a minimal presence of leading politicians with a team of technicians at their side could make the government not so strong in the debate. But they're still just rumors and it's still all to be seen.

I am pleased with the support from the Democratic Party, LeU, the M5S and Forza Italia.

With regard to Italia Viva and the Lega, my thoughts are already known. Italia Viva calls for disconnection with the previous government. If the Lega were to participate, it is Giorgetti who I would be curious to see in the government team, I would be very interested. As far as their leader is concerned, I think there is less and less to say. I believe that once again it has proved inconsistent, only for pure business of interest and demagogy. He spoke of the flat tax as a necessary cornerstone and decided to set it aside. He said never with the technicians and made he available to a government led by the technician technician. Never with PD and never again with 5S and with them wants to go. His word is now too little value in my opinion. I repeat, I would be very curious to see the Lega with another leader, but it is a simple personal opinion.

Fratelli d'Italia has called out and will not vote for the trust as they said and is conceivable.

We need to see what Draghi will now choose to do. Whether he will choose to take everyone (making the formation of government weak) or whether to select (thus making the formation of government compact).

These days we will definitely have updates. At the same time, very good words come from Europe, from Christine Lagarde, President of the ECB, and from Ursula Von der Leyen, President of the European Commission, who say that they are optimistic and enthusiastic about Mario Draghi.
