Sergio Mattarella e Mario Draghi

Sergio Mattarella e Mario Draghi


The Start

Mario Draghi this evening disbanded the reservations and accepted the office of President of the Council of Ministers of the Italian Republic and announced the team of ministers.

Ministers without portfolios are:

Federico D'Inca (Parliament Relations), Vittorio Colao (Technological Innovation), Renato Brunetta (Public Administration), Maria Stella Gelmini (General and Autonomie Affairs), Mara Carfagna (South and Territorial Cohesion), Fabiana Dadone (Youth Policies), Elena Bonetti (Equal Opportunities and Family) and Erika Stefani (Disability).

The ministers with the portfolio are:

Massimo Garavaglia (Coordination of Tourism Initiatives), Luigi Di Maio (Foreign Affairs), Luciana Lamorgese (Interior), Marta Cartabia (Justice), Lorenzo Guerini (Defence), Daniele Franco (Economy), Giancarlo Giorgetti (Economic Development), Stefano Patuanelli (Agricultural Policies), Roberto Cingolani (Ecological Transition), Enrico Giovannini (Transport and Infrastructure), Andrea Orlando (Work), Patrizio Bianchi (Education), Cristina Messa (Research), Dario Franceschini (Cultural Heritage), Roberto Speranza (Health).

Two quick words I want to spend on Giancarlo Giorgetti and Marta Cartabia. About Giorgetti I am very curious to see him at work, I have good sensations. Marta Cartabia is a top. She is an overly high-level woman. I'm really happy with this assignment. I hope she can work with support. Her is a very complicated ministry. But her choice is really something extremely high.

Now the Draghi government can start work. The former ECB governor's level is at the top of the world.
