Lilly Gruber, host of the program OttoeMezzo

Lilly Gruber, host of the program OttoeMezzo



I have just finished watching the episode of ''Ottoemezzo'' of 03/02/2021 where guest was the leader of the Lega party.

It was another demonstration, in my view, of a change of opinion, a change of words, a change of commitments.

This is a person who condemns Europe all the time, who has an arrearrheal thought about common coexistence (he cannot speak of European jobs but only of basic, unachievable things concerning Italy) and without a future vision for the next 20/40 years.

From what I feel every time I hear him it's that he is not aware of the direction the world is going. I always find the speeches I hear from him very basic and without strength.

Moreover, the profound inability to deal with a speech is incredible. It never allows other interlocutors to speak, he intervenes above others, he does not respond to what is asked of it.

Also sympathetic was the moment when Lilli Gruber, execellent journalist, asked to the Lega leader if he had been vaccinated and if he recommended the vaccine. Instead of responding in such a way as to take a stand, he refused to answer and take responsibility, as always happens.

As a last thing at the beginning of the broadcast he said that a government with Pd and M5S would not be possible. As already written, now for personal interests he has taken the whole thing back and he is in the government team.

I repeat, as I have said several times. I would be very curious to see the Lega party with another leader, for example Giorgetti.
